job search log

a tool for tracking job applications

When I was laid off in 2024, I entered one of the most challenging and dismaying job markets that I had ever encountered. It felt similar to the world of the post-9/11 economic crash; few open positions, much competition, little results.

I had to apply for unemployment insurance, and to receive the benefits, I needed to report each week on my job search activities. Initially, I just stored all of the related email in a Gmail folder, but that quickly became onerous and inefficient, so I did what I always do: I built a tool that met my needs.

Job Search Log is a simple and easy-to-use tool for keeping track of positions that you have applied for and detailed information about your progress through the hiring process. It is client-only; all data is stored in your browser's localStorage, so you never lose control. This application generates no income for me, and it is free of any privacy concerns.

It uses Alpine.js and Mg+ CSS. The code is TypeScript.

If you use this app and appreciate it or if you have some comments or suggestions, I would really like to hear them. You can contact me at adam [dot] crossland [at] gmail [dot] com.

The source code is available on GitHub

To use Job Search Log, visit it on this website. Remember, all the data is stored in your browser.